Ignore who we are for the moment, just know that we are addicted to out-of-the-norms and ball-shrinking activities. Like taking a walk in the jungle...at nite, playing the ouija board....in the jungle....at nite, taking a stroll in the cemetery....at nite....the list goes on and on...
Which i MIGHT talk about some other day. Which brings me back. To last nite...
Subject: Abandoned Series - Niko Nikodon

Travel report: To save thousands of words, i've added some maps with scribblings on it for a clearer picture of our (mis)adventure.

So, as you can see, journey was smooth...up til Brickfields. There we got lost and lost-er til we met our knight in shining armor - an auxiliary policeman stationed in KL Sentral. Thanks for not busting us for driving in Kent's one-eyed busted car. That and for the directions, of course. And on we went...

This time, we found the area we were looking for - Taman Seputeh. But as you can see from the green bundle of lines around the Taman Seputeh area, we were still lost. But our saving grace was that we were lost closer to our target. Time's not all wasted, however, as we found this interesting sign as we were roaming:

Yea yea, i KNOW it meant something a lot LESS interesting but things would be a whole lot MORE interesting if it were literal, no? XD
Amusing sign aside, we had a near-adventure-killer moment - we stumbled into the cops making their round in the area. A bunch of s u s p i c i o u s looking teenagers in a s u s p i c i o u s looking car roaming s u s p i c i o u sly in the neighborhood at a s u s p i c i o u s time. Yea, we were prime candidates for hoodlums in the eyes of these cops. Our moment of suspense came when Wei Jin said he left his IC at home. Ohhhhhh f@rk.... But somehow, we manage to escape without resorting to the "incentive scheme", which would have left our wallets a lot lighter. Phew...

FINALLY, we found our place.....which was in another area! All the while we thought it was in Taman Seputeh while it was actually in Taman Pesiaran Desa. We were so close ... yet so far. But hell, we found our place and we could barely contain ourselves....and our pee in our bladders when we saw Niko Nikodon with our own eyes....

We went in through the back entrance of this majestic piece of land. Through the door (picture above) was an empty room with rather interesting (and freaky when viewed in the wee hours) graffiti...

Through the door with the clown graffiti was a stairs leading to locked doors...

So we went back outside and through a gate. We followed path up til we saw another derelict building. We soon found out that the building housed a swimming pool on its top. And in to the pool we went....Oops, no water....

Looming over the pool is the sneering facade of the main building, complete with holes in the wall which used to be windows. Shards of glasses and pieces of woods filled the floor, or what's left of it...

as parts of the ceiling caved in. Woah, is....that...hair....?

Ah haha, guess not. But in spite of our primeval instinct (aka C.Kent) telling us to turn back and go home, we pressed on....

First thing we saw as we entered - Dissent. Chid willingly posed next to it with his jari hantu erected straight. Ahh..you gotta love the spirit (pardon the pun) ....
We went into this room next. I gotta say, it was the one single room that freaked me out the most. The first thing we saw...

Took chid and i some guts to pose next to it...

We stayed in the room quite a while til we started to feel that the subtle stench of rot (i think) we felt when we first enter began to intensify to near unbearable. Spooky...
We then went around, checking out broken toilets and smashed-up rooms before we headed upstairs...

And took a group picture...

And found some nice graffiti...

After checking out the main building, we went into another nearby. Within, there were plenty of shelves which we discerned to be the library. Aside from being pitch black inside, we found nothing interesting. So we began to move towards the exit...
On the way out, we went into the building near the gates. Which we left for last as we expected to make some freaky discoveries within. And we did. There were this mini plaster-of-paris face, like the one in the picture below. Interestingly, we found it on random places all over. And there was also this symmetrical side profile sketch of a man's head (picture below). Again, we found it littered around and everywhere.

Along the way, we found some inspirational words that kept us going...

And found more craft...

And did more fatal framing...

After an exhausting 90 minutes, we headed towards our car and left...and lived to tell.
I didnt notice anything odd in the pictures above but if you see something i dont, please leave a comment. Comments on the size of our balls are welcomed as well. XD
-End of Report-